I like this quick article about transitioning from yacht service to household based positions. This is one of the few careers that translates well for private service professionals entering home or estate employment for the first time.

A common conversation among crew is ‘life after yachting’. Many see working on a superyacht as a short-term career, but one that does equip them with many valuable skills. However, when crew come ashore, the skills that they learned on board are not always understood or valued by non-maritime companies. The negatives of crew life that are the deciding factors in many coming ashore are varied, but many cite the long hours, prolonged periods away from home and family, and the transient lifestyle, as reasons to consider moving back to their home country.

For those who are interested in roles that are similar to crew-life (yet still enable you to have more freedom, privacy and flexibility), a position within a private household could be the best of both worlds. “The competition for getting onto a yacht is so intense, we find that a lot of people that are coming off yachts are hungry to be able to make a life for themselves ashore,” starts Alexander Nuttall of JUL Private Staff. “It falls in very well with what we are looking for, in terms of the level of service and what staff are expected to do.”…

Read More: Transitioning ashore – SuperyachtNews