EstateJobs is now powered by AI technology! Using the Open AI / Chat GPT framework, EstateJobs search and matching capabilities will be better than ever, offering features and performance on par with the best job boards in the world. Over time the site will continue learning and being fine-tuned by our amazing developers, along with continued use and feedback from our amazing clients and staff in the private service community. Please be patient while this all-new system is rolled out in BETA mode so we can make the features work best for everyone.
And DON”T PANIC if this seems confusing or works differently than before. You can use either mode at any time! Just toggle the switch between Keywords and AI Best Match for each version:

We are happy to have your feedback! If you see an error or significant mismatch in the results, please email support@estatejobs.com with a brief description including the page you were on, the function you were attempting, and the reason your result(s) seemed inaccurate. This will help us tweak the functions and data to perform better over time. We look forward to hearing how this incredible new upgrade helps everyone make the best possible connections and job placements!
New Job Seeker Features
- The Job Search screen will now find you the best match among job listings using AI. Note: You must have a complete profile including a full resume to use the new job matching.
- You can narrow the search by location and radius.
- The results list is sorted with the help of AI so jobs that most closely match the information in your resume appear at the top.
- A green check mark indicates you have already applied for the position.
We look forward to hearing about your experience with the new features as we continue to grow and improve.