Please don't do this. Enough said.

There's nothing particularly shady-looking about A simple, if clipart-y logo, an actual phone number, clear explanations of services and pricing. But once you take a closer look at what's actually on offer, you can see why they occupy a considerable legal grey area.

For $125, will fabricate a career history you can use to fill out your resume. They'll create a phony website for a phony company, along with a phone number for a company representative waiting to serve as your phony reference.

“We will match your career field to one of our already established virtual companies!” they promise, forcing us to ask how an imaginary company can possibly be established.

The company, which also provides fake references for landlords and vendor applications, was founded by one William Schmidt after experiencing mass layoffs. The site describes itself as a utility for job-seekers who have been rendered unemployable by firings or long gaps in their resume.

To hear them say it, they're providing an important service to those stigmatized by the blight of unemployment. But not everyone sees it that way.

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