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Beginning May 20, 2024 the all-new, Featured Job Seeker feature will officially launch!

What does this mean to you as a Job Seeker?

Over the years we have constantly been asked, “What can I do to make my profile and applications stand out?” We are now answering that question with a new feature for active Job Seekers who want to take an active role in presenting themselves as top candidates. Approved candidates will be able to have their profile designated as “Featured” on the EstateJobs site, allowing agencies and private employers to quickly recognize applicants with a distinct advantage. The featured status will indicate your completion of several criteria and show your initiative as a serious candidate. Your profile will be highlighted on all applications you submit, as well as standing out in any resume searches conducted by employers on the site. In addition, your featured profile will be directly introduced to all agency clients!

What's included?

• Pre-screening background search to verify your identity and status as a preferred applicant.
• Direct introduction of your profile to all agency members of EstateJobs.
• Your profile is highlighted to stand out among other candidates on all job applications and client searches.
• Retain a copy of your preliminary background report to use in your search process.
• Know for certain if anything negative appears in your public records.

What is involved in the process?

The first phase of our launch will be at a special, low cost to the first group of applicants. ($99) This pricing is for a VERY limited time and we will close the applications as soon as our trial phase number has been reached. We anticipate hitting the number in the first week of launch, so if you are interested you should apply as soon as the feature goes live on Monday the 20th. There are two quick steps to apply: 1. Sign in to EstateJobs and make sure you have a complete profile with a full resume and all fields completed, then submit your application for the job titled “Featured Job Seeker Application – Limited trial phase!” 2. We will review your online profile and if approved you will receive the link to continue your application and payment. Then we do the rest!

What is the criteria for Featured Job Seeker Approval?

• All applicants must have permanent work authorization status for USA based employment. (A copy of your documentation may be requested.)
• Candidates must be currently seeking employment and maintain a full EstateJobs profile with resume, photo, and related documents uploaded.
• Minimum of 2 years, full-time employment in the position(s) being sought.
• Successful Background screening of public records including DMV, Criminal, and Civil searches.

IMPORTANT: Acceptance of your application does not guarantee approval of a Featured Job Seeker status. All Featured Job Seeker approvals are at the sole discretion of EstateJobs. We reserve the right to add, remove, or change the status of any job seeker at any time. This process does not constitute an offer of employment or guarantee the performance of your job search in any way. If you do not agree with any of the terms or conditions of this website feature, please do not proceed with your application.

Get your profile ready, and look for the application launch on May 20!