Apply Now to Become an
EstateJobs Featured Job Seeker!

The #1 Private Service Job Site

This is an overview of the process to become a Featured job Seeker on the EstateJobs site. If you have questions about this process, please contact us through

Become an EstateJobs Featured Candidate - The Ultimate Enhancement to your Job Search!

(Currently available to USA based job seekers only.)

Stand Out From the Crowd

Upgrade your profile to become a Featured Job Seeker. Stand out on all applications and resume searches!

Jump Start Your Search

EstateJobs Agencies will be notified of your featured status and more likely to reach out to you.

Offer An Easy Choice

Offer clients and agencies an easy choice when selecting candidates for the top jobs.

What's included?

• Pre-screening background search to verify your identity and status as a preferred applicant.
• Direct introduction of your profile to all agency members of EstateJobs.
• Your profile is highlighted to stand out among other candidates on all job applications and client searches.
• Retain a copy of your preliminary background report to use in your search process.
• Know for certain if anything negative appears in your public records.


• All applicants must have permanent work authorization status for USA based employment. (A copy of your documentation may be requested.)
• Candidates must be currently seeking employment and maintain a full EstateJobs profile with resume, photo, and related documents uploaded.
• Minimum of 2 years, full-time employment in the position(s) being sought.
• Successful Background screening of public records including DMV, Criminal, and Civil searches.

Application Process & Pricing

• Fill out registration details below.
• Pay one-time, non-refundable setup and background fee of $149.
• Complete the background release authorization. (Will be emailed to you directly and completed securely online.)
• Upon completion, you will receive a copy of your background report for personal use.
• Once you are approved as a featured job seeker, an email introduction is sent to all agency clients, and your profile status is upgraded online.
• Your Featured Job Seeker status will remain in effect for one year. If you choose to renew your status, pay only for a background report update.

IMPORTANT: Acceptance of your application does not guarantee approval of a Featured Job Seeker status. All Featured Job Seeker approvals are at the sole discretion of EstateJobs. We reserve the right to add, remove, or change the status of any job seeker at any time. This process does not constitute an offer of employment or guarantee the performance of your job search in any way. If you do not agree with any of the terms or conditions of this website feature, please do not proceed with your application.

Click here for a complete explanation of our Background Terms and Conditions.