Here's a quick read about the role of Estate Managers that I believe is a good description. Enjoy…

According to Greenwich Property Management owner John Hone, estate managers have to be trusted that each and every detail will always remain private and confidential. “Most owners,” he explains, “have extremely full lives between work and social responsibilities, so their homes need to be a sanctuary. Our role is to create calm. We ensure everything is efficient with extreme attention to detail.”

In addition, says Hone, “the people we work with typically have big hearts. They are people who give back to the community and others. A big part of our job is to protect them and make sure they are not being taken advantage of.”

The ideal estate manager seems to be a jack of all trades; someone professional, personable, and polite, who isn’t afraid to get his or her hands dirty, with a financial mind for budget management. Many recruitment firms place candidates in global locations like London, Monaco, Moscow and Dubai and these individuals work exclusively for one family.

Today, the cost of hiring a full-time person is shared through companies that serve many estates and know the local area and government intimately.

Hone has been running properties for over three decades and he says the key to success is finding people with the kind of expertise, efficiency, and effectiveness that only a specialist in a particular area can provide being managed by a jack-of-all-trades; able to oversee security, plumbing, roofing, facilities, leases, finances, event planning, electricity, ventilation, etc.

Read more: Manor House Traditions