EstateJobs Statement on Private Service Education
There are several schools to train you in private service. This is a path for the truly committed, whether exploring a career transition or seeking professional development. Schools do not guarantee placement upon graduation, but certainly the knowledge, experience, and dedication it takes to complete the courses is a step in the right direction. Also consider each school's placement services and resources for your career path. Consult with the different programs out there to see if it makes sense for you based on your goals and your finances.
The main question we are asked about private service schools is “Are they worth it?” There is no short answer to the question, as every individual case needs to be considered in detail, but we have developed some very concise statements in response to those inquiries:
- If you are enrolling in any educational program for the sole purpose of getting hired in a new job, DON’T DO IT. No matter what anyone says in their sales pitch, there are NO guarantees of employment upon graduation.
- If you have the time and money, take every course available! Career related education is a hallmark of professionals in any industry, and the quality of available private service education is excellent. We highly recommend continuing your education in your chosen profession at every opportunity.
To find out more about service programs and other student experiences, visit the listed websites and also ask others on our LinkedIn community discussion board.